How Do I Apply for a Grant?
 1. Complete the Grant Application Form.
 2. Submit the form along with any documentation to:
Cosmopolitan Diabetes Foundation Chair
2865 Gleneagles Road
Salem, VA 24153
 3. To be considered for a grant, all grant applications must be received by May 31st of each year.
Who Can Receive Grants?
Any organization which can show evidence that its funds remain dedicated to charitable, educational and scientific purposes is eligible. All grants must be for diabetes-related purposes.
Who Decides When and to Whom Grants are to be Made?
The Board of Directors of the Foundation makes decisions with respect to Foundation funds. This Board is elected by the membership of each Federation of Cosmopolitan International. Decisions are based upon the expressed intent of the donor and the needs of the Cosmopolitan International projects.
Who are some of the Previous Grant Recipients?
In the past two decades, the Foundation has distributed over $345,000 to some 85 recipients.  Click here for a complete listing.